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Grain Export Resources


Grain Export Resources*

*Please note that some of the links and documents may be out of date, please check relevant website for more information.

Outlines specific information on key topics for several markets and subject. For further information or issues not covered, please contact GTA.


GTA Trade & Market Access Overview

Grains NTM Report Grains Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) Project Report



Plant Breeding & Innvovation

Market choice Framework - GM Crops Delivering market choice with GM crops



Quarantine & Biosecurity

Biosecurity Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018 The Biosecurity Act provides a modern regulatory framework for biosecurity in Australia to allow for current and future trading environments and collaboration between government and industry
Export processes, inspection services & Certificates Plant Export Operations provides export inspection and certification services for plant and plant products including grain 
China Wheat & Barley Protocol  The Industry Management Plan - The trade of wheat and barley from Australia to China continues under a revised protocol which commenced in November 2017
Barley to South Korea - Snail Management Plan South Korea has accepted the Australian barley industry supply chain measures which offers industry a practical alternative to the requirement to screen all barley shipments








Food Safety

CODEX - International Maximum Residue Limits (MRL's) Pesticide database - to search for the Maximum Residue Limits (MRL's) of pesticides in food and feed 
Radioactivity Taiwan  SPS notice advising of the adoption of an "all foods" category in Taiwan for radioactivity of 100 Becquerel/kg, as of 18 January 2016.





Sustainability & Traceability & Electronic Documentation

ExDoc Export Documentation System (EXDOC) website
MICOR database Manual of Importing Country Requirements (MICoR) Plants