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Plant Breeding Innovation


GTA has a Plant Breeding Innovation Committee (PBIC) comprising of members and industry experts with specific interests and specialist knowledge on Plant Breeding innovations.   

The Plant Breeding Innovation Committee makes recommendations to the GTA Board and industry on potential effect to commercial activity from the:

  • planned intentional release of approved GM (genetically modified) grain events; or the
  • unplanned and unintentional release (escape) of unapproved grain events
  • Implications arising from plant breeding innovations

Biotechnology & New Technology

A range of material exists that explain current and new technology developments in this area such as:

OECD Biosafety BioTrack database
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) for regulations and approved GMOs in Australia


 GM Regulations



Many markets either do not permit GM grains to be produced or imported into their country. They may have a zero tolerance for the presence of GM material or a very low tolerance (see LLP below). As regulations change frequently, the specific requirements of GM regulations for grain shipments are not listed here.

Contact GTA for specific information.



  Market Choices Framework



The Market Choices Framework describes the capacity for the Australian grain industry to deliver and manage the commercial introduction of crops derived from biotechnology.

Developed by the GTA PBIC and endorsed by grain industry organisations, the Market Choice Framework is targeted at ensuring the commercial introduction of GM and crops developed utilising innovative plant breeding techniques is undertaken in a manner that:

  • Maintains or enhances trade in the Australian grains industry
  • Enables market choice along the supply chain, while being consistent with bulk handling systems and manufacturing practices
  • Is open and transparent
  • Provides confidence to all stakeholders, particularly to customers, consumers and governments in relation to the certainty and viability of supply to participants along the supply chain



   Low Level Presence



Low level presence (LLP) refers to the low levels of recombinant DNA plant materials that have passed a food safety assessment according to the Codex Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants (CAC/GL 45-2003) in one or more countries but may on occasion be present in food in importing countries in which the food safety of the relevant recombinant-DNA plants has not been determined.

There is a group of like-minded governments, which includes Australia, that lead a Global Low Level Presence Initiative (GLI) to address issues of concern,%2DLevel%20Presence%20(LLP).

GTA is working with IGTC to provide input into the Australian position on the GLI.



   Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety



The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is an international agreement which aims to ensure the safe handling, transport and use of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health. Refer to

There are a range of issues that are relevant and being considered under that Protocol that impact on the international trade of grain. GTA works with IGTC to address any issues and ensure the trade of grain flows efficiently, in compliance with international regulations.