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GTA Trade & Market Access Overview

      GTA Trade & Market Access Technical Committee

The Trade and Market Access Committee shall make recommendations to the Board on commercial impacts and requirements; and policy developments that may arise from the introduction of innovative technology into Australia’s food and feed production systems,; and to  monitor related international and local Government policies. Specifically the Committee will be focused on issues including, but not limited to, food and feed security, bio-safety, bio-security, innovative technology and sustainability.



   GTA Trade & Market Access Strategy

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Strategic approach

GTA’s vision is to promote an efficient, equitable and open commercial grain industry in Australia.

GTA’s activity is focused in the key areas of:

  • Ensuring the policy settings are supportive of the grain industry and for the facilitation of trade
  • Actively promoting the grain industry’s priorities and position within domestic and global forums
  • Providing technical support to the industry to address trade issues as they arise and assist to implement appropriate policies to maintain and enhance future trade
  • Ensuring the industry has transparent and open mechanisms for providing input into and receiving feedback on trade and market access priorities and activities

As a trade exposed sector participants, the grain industry and GTA members, are dependent on open and fair access to export markets. An example is the considerable market impact due to China’s decision on May 2019 to impose punitive tariffs on Australian barley exports.   

In addition, the industry is increasingly facing technical and phytosanitary barriers (i.e. non-tariff measures or NTMs) that are increasing the difficulty and cost of doing business.

While the cost/benefit of NTMs are sometimes less tangible than tariffs, they can create potentially significant economic and compliance impacts for Australian growers, exporters and the supply chain.  This includes loss of important markets, increased risk in the value chain and potential lower prices for Australian industry.

As such GTA is active and ensures a stong focus in the area of trade and market access.  GTA is uniquely placed to address these issues as it operates (and has practical insight) across the supply chain and has access to its Members commercial skills, experience and capabilities.  GTA acknowledges the work of other parties in relation to trade and market access and works closely with GGL, GIMAF and other stakeholders.

GTA’s trade and market access strategy and activities seek to develop domestic and global policies and endeavours  to position the industry to take advantage of trade opportunities, minimise impacts and constraints to trade, and enable trade to continue in an efficient and equitable manner.  Recent issues have tested Australia and the capability to trade freely and without constraint. Geopolitical issues combined with the impact of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) have increased and are potential barriers to trade.

GTA works proactively with industry stakeholders and Australian Government to counter the growth of non-tariff measures by supporting international standards that are based on sound science and ensuring that international trade is based on these standards. Both industry and governments must work together to build and strengthen science-based trade.



     The Grains NTM Summary Report

GTA actively engages with other industry stakeholders to monitor non-tariff measures (NTM) that impact on marketing of Australian grain. Under a Working Group of GGL, GIMAF, GTA, NTMs are monitored, prioritised and actions planned on reducing their impact.



Other GTA Market Access Activities